Staff Blog: Food For Thought…
As part of a series of staff blogs here at the Banks’s Stadium, Head Chef Richard Varley provides some food for thought…
“Well here we are 20 party nights later , 4000 happy customers, next Christmas feels far away in the distance and yet we sit here discussing Christmas 2016 with menus near completion. We only need to decide on a dessert, after a taste test next week.
Over the Christmas period we prepared cooked 200 turkeys, 2000 lamb shanks, 1200kg of roast potatoes, 600kg of carrots, 600kg of sprouts with 2000 litres of gravy finished off with 30,000 profiteroles .
Guess who didn’t have turkey or lamb for christmas dinner this year?
Just to think as I write this only 300 days until we start it all over again for Christmas 2016.
Lets just hope I manage to fit in a week away in the sun, but for now on a cold and freezing January its back to normality in the conference department with day to day events , birthday parties and looking after the players”
Richard varley
Head chef